Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Emma Thompson ready for a break

Emma Thompson has vowed to take a break from working.

The Oscar-winning British actress and screenwriter plans to take time off after steadily working for years so she can put her feet up.

"Next year, I'm going to take a sabbatical - I'm not going to fundraise or perform or travel, except in pursuit of new vistas with my family," she told the Hollywood Reporter.

"I've been meaning to do this for a long, long time, but it's been like putting the brakes on a large ship because there is so much going on," added the Nanny McPhee star.

Emma - who has received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame - also admitted she suffers from mild depression.

"I find the job I do emotionally very demanding," she said.

"I suffer from occasional mild depression, which I think is a very common thing - it's fantastically common in my country and probably in yours, too - and it's a very much hidden thing people don't talk about. I think it should be discussed."

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