Friday, January 7, 2011

The Top 10 Actors To Keep An Eye On In 2011

Andrew Garfield

When you're one of the top stars of "The Social Network" and that's not your biggest headline of 2010, you're either doing something very right or very wrong. For Andrew Garfield, we're quite confident it's the former. While his big "Spider-Man" debut is still more than a year away, something tells us we're going to hear a lot more about him in 2011.

Blake Lively

Lively boldly demonstrated that she's a lot more than just a pretty face on "Gossip Girl" with her unsettlingly honest depiction of drugged-out Krista Coughlin in "The Town," and she's likely to make similar waves in this summer's "Green Lantern." We're betting those roles will lead to much more work in the near future.

Chris Hemsworth

We already met the Australian actor (albeit briefly) in "Star Trek," but the biggest role of Hemsworth's career is still on the horizon in the form of "Thor." In addition to playing the Norse God of Thunder in the Marvel Studios epic, Hemsworth also has his long-awaited turns in "Red Dawn" and "The Cabin in the Woods" to look forward to.

Hailee Steinfeld

After seeing "True Grit," there's simply no way that Hailee Steinfeld disappears into the ether of obscure child actors that only starred in a handful of movies. She better not, at least, because the 14-year-old actress delivered one of the single most powerful performances of 2010 as Mattie Ross, and we're banking on many more memorable characters to come.

James Franco
He's already co-hosting this year's Oscars and he's a likely shoe-in for a Best Actor nomination for his work on "127 Hours." What else does Franco have to look forward to? A lot, apparently, as the actor has his eye on directing adaptations of William Faulkner's "As I Lay Dying" and Cormac McCarthy's "Blood Meridian" in the next two years. Say what you will about Franco, but you can't say he's lazy.

Jennifer Lawrence

Did you happen to catch Jennifer Lawrence's moving performance as wise-beyond-her-years teenager Ree Dolly in "Winter's Bone" last year? If not, you need to fix that mistake immediately. Lawrence is on the cusp of stardom here, not just because of this celebrated performance, but also her upcoming turn as Mystique in "X-Men: First Class."

Mila Kunis

Although most eyes are on Natalie Portman when it comes to "Black Swan," don't forget her stunning co-star. Kunis turned in a truly haunting performance as the enigmatic Lily, the perfect foil for Portman's deeply troubled Nina. If that performance was any indication, Kunis has big things ahead of her as a dramatic actress. But before she brings the drama again, she'll flaunt her funny side in the raunchy rom-com "Friends With Benefits," out this summer.

Natalie Portman

But, come on, credit where it's due: Portman gave the performance of her career in "Black Swan," and every ounce of praise she's received is fully deserved. A likely Oscar winner by this time next year, it'll be very interesting to see what the phenomenally talented Portman does with this kind of success. In the meantime, there'll be no shortage of the Portman on the big screen this year. She's got no fewer than four wildly different films on the horizon in '11: the Ashton Kutcher-co-starring romantic comedy "No Strings Attached," the wrenching drama "The Other Woman," the medieval stoner comedy "Your Highness" and the superheroic "Thor."

Ryan Reynolds

Ignore the fact that Reynolds is taking the lead on "Green Lantern." That's not what he's doing on this list. No, it's his tentative involvement with "Deadpool" that we're worried about. There's no one else on the planet better suited to play Wade Wilson than Reynolds, so we're hoping that the actor makes a firmer commitment to the comic book movie this year.

Tom Hardy

The "Inception" star has a few movies on the way in 2011, including "Warrior," "This Means War" and "Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy." He's filming an unknown role for "The Dark Knight Rises" this year as well. Already responsible for the most badass character of 2010, "Inception"'s erstwhile Eames is likely to have an equally successful year in 2011.

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